December 9th 2010
Experience Economies #2: Class Warfare
Thursday, December 9th 8pm
Featuring Caitlin Berrigan's work-in-progress Spectrum of Inevitable Violence
Pot-luck desserts and drinks gratefully accepted!
Dress appropriately (see below)
...Debuting at Experience Economies on December 9:
Caitlin Berrigan's work-in-progress, Spectrum of Inevitable Violence
Hegemonies of the new elite, Bobos, creative class, bourgeois, working class, middle class—all these terms fly in America with the velocity of rotten tomatoes. At the Experience Economies event, the social currency, creative capital, economic status, upward mobility and toxic assets of participants will be analyzed and instigate a class confrontation. Food will be the ammunition of this class war—dress appropriately, or do your best to dodge the rage!
8pm Recruitment
9pm Battle
9:30pm Spoils/Booty
About Experience Economies:
Experience Economies is a nomadic social event series where cultural producers are audiences to each other's spectacles. Not a lecture and not a party, the events incorporate performance, presentation, discussion, scheming, drinks and food. Experience Economies welcomes experimentation, works-in-progress, audiences that want their spectacles to mess with them and presenters who need a space to make that mess. Experience Economies is produced by Gavin Kroeber and Rebecca Uchill, with rotating guest presenters